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Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that are stored on a user’s computer to provide better user experience for the user. At site no personal data is stored in the cookies, nor user’s personal data is otherwise processed. Cookies are only used to enable functionality of the site and to perform statistical analysis of the usage of the site for which we use Google Analytics. 

Learn more about data privacy policy of Google Analytics. Visitors of the site are not identified. The data collected at site is not combined in anyway with KTI’s customer and stakeholder register. You can control how cookies work on your device through your net browser settings.

About site visits some basic data is collected to ensure the functionality of the site. This data contains technical information on used devices and browsers, also date and time of visits and visitors’ IP-addresses are stored. From the collected data it is not possible to identify people visiting the site.

Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ and X buttons are available at the site to let visitors share content at site. The privacy policies of those web services are available online: FacebookLinkedInGoogle+ and X. site has also regular links to other websites which have their own cookie policies.