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IPD KTI Nordic Property Briefing – 21 May 2015

Welcome to the 11th IPD KTI Nordic Property Briefing

We are proud to present and hope to see you in the 11th IPD KTI Nordic Property Briefing. This year our program will focus on the big picture – how will the megatrends impact property demand and investment.

Time: 21st May 2015
Place: Citykonferensen, Ingenjörshuset, Malmskillnadsgatan 46, Stockholm

In today´s investment climate, where investors surge for return, property as an asset class continue to be considered attractive. This year´s program will discuss megatrends – demographics, urbanization, digitalization – and their impact on long term property demand and investment. During the one day event with industry leading speakers we are covering four sessions exploring the Nordic markets´ future position in the changing investment landscape.

1. Megatrends – impact on property as an asset class
2. Residential – trends, demand for rental housing and impact on investment
3. Shopping & Logistics – consumer and retailer preferences, winning strategies
4. Office – trends in occupancy and impact on future demand


For further information and registration please visit and join us for the premier Nordic property investment event.

We look forward to seeing you in Stockholm in May!