Portfolio Analysis Service
The Portfolio analysis/KTI Property Index is a tool to measure and compare property investment returns. The KTI Index measures the total return on directly-held property investments, which comprise annual net income and capial growth. The service provides comprehensive information about the returns on property investments and their drivers; such as rental income, maintenance costs, occupancy rates, rental values, yields and market and rental values by property sector and area.
The Portfolio analysis/KTI Property Index is a tool to measure and compare property investment returns. The KTI Index measures the total return on directly-held property investments, which comprise annual net income and capial growth. The service provides comprehensive information about the returns on property investments and their drivers; such as rental income, maintenance costs, occupancy rates, rental values, yields and market and rental values by property sector and area.
The service includes
- A detailed, confidential portfolio analysis report
- A results analysis session
- An extensive market presentation of the results
- All key figures produced from the database
- KTI Online: Benchmarking and market data can be flexibly searched, downloaded and analysed in our online service.
Example Reports
Use service to
- Analyse and benchmark your own property investment performance
- Define the property investment strategy: allocations, instrument and sector choices, investments, realisations
- Determine property values and analyse parameters affecting values
- Analyse and manage risks
- Analyse property investment markets
- Communicate with investors
- International benchmarking: KTI Property Index is consistent with other country indices calculated by MSCI
Service is based on
- Property portfolios of 54 institutional investors, property investment companies and real estate funds
- €37 billion market value (2024)
- 40% coverage of the property market
- Around 2,600 properties
- Covers all real estate sectors and the largest cities, a total of around 100 submarkets
- Times series since 1998
Latest News
property portfolios
billion market value
market coverage
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